David Edward Glaser
Born: January 13th, 1899
Died: November 22nd, 1936
David E. Glaser, 37, of 316 Harrison avenue, a machinist, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home early Sunday. Although ill with a cold early last week, Mr. Glaser was improved Saturday. He was born in Burlington Jan. 13, 1899. Formerly employed at the Burlington Route shops, he went to Chicago in 1923 and has been employed by the Stewart-Warner company there. He returned to Burlington May 3 this year. He was a member of the machinists' union in Chicago. Surviving are his parents; a brother, Robert Glaser of Burlington, and a nephew, Robert, Jr. Funeral services will be held at Prugh's chapel at 2 p.m. Tuesday with burial in Aspen Grove cemetery.