John William Demling
Born: August 29th, 1896
Died: October 12th, 1918
Private John W. Demling died at Camp Dodge at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. The family had been apprized of the fact that he was seriously ill, and his mother was with him when the final summons came. John W. Demling was born in Burlington August 29, 1897 and was educated at Prospect and High schools. He spent some time doing valuable work with the Westinghouse forces at Rock Island and joined the United States food administration forces here last spring, and there as well as elsewhere he proved efficient and became a general favorite. On September 4 he went to Camp Dodge. A few days ago he was attacked by influenza, pneumonia developing later. John W. Demling is survived by his mother, who lives at 2401 Madison avenue, and two brothers, Earl of Burlington and Sergeant Ray M. Demling of Camp Pike and a sister, Miss Margaret Demling of this city. The father, Charles E. Demling, passed away April 12, 1918.