Maria Wilhelmina Eleinore Birzele
Born: May 13th, 1846
Died: February 5th, 1907
Mrs. Maria Wilhelmina Eleinore Birzele, wife of Paul Birzele, Passed away last evening at 10 o’clock at her home, 602 McArthur Street, after a three-month illness with asthma. She was born in Urach, Wirtemberg, Germany, May 13, 1846, and was married May 12, 1872, in Germany to Paul Birzele. They came to America and to Burlington in 1881, where the husband has been employed as an expert carpenter at the street railway company barns.
Deceased was a member of St. Lucas’ Evangelical church and was a faithful worker. She also belonged to Charity Lodge, Degree of honor. She had hosts of friends, and although for the past three months she had suffered almost continually, she bore her affliction with Christian fortitude.
In the family circle, she will be missed most as she was a devoted mother and a fond wife. Besides the husband, she leaves the following children; Louise, Mary, Paul, Adolph, Eugene, Phillip, and August. One brother, Carl Sauer, resides in Spencer, S.D., and two sisters, Mrs. Sector, at Peoria, Ill., and Mrs. Wotter, at Zurich, Switzerland.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence. Rev. Carl Scheib will officiate.