Evelyn Fay Biklen
Born: June 30th, 1881
Died: November 10th, 1942
Mrs. Evelyn Fay Biklen, 61, wife of Al Biklen and well-known resident of Burlington, died Tuesday night in her home, 410 North Street.
Earlier in the day she had complained of not feeling well but had been downtown, as usual, handling duties in connection with The Evelyn Shop of which she was the owner. Friends said she had mentioned indigestion and pains around the heart.
Tuesday evening her husband, who recently underwent an operation, was taken to Burlington hospital by his brother, Oscar Biklen. The purpose was a checkup, and Mrs. Biklen had said she would go to the hospital a little later on.
When she failed to put in an appearance, it is reported Al Biklen telephoned home, and when there was no answer he got in touch with his brother and sisters. The latter, who lives nearby, went to the home and when there was no response, forced an entrance.
Mrs. Biklen’s body was found in an upstairs bedroom. She was fully clothed, and it was believed she had planned to rest a few minutes before going to the hospital. The body was found about 10 pm, and physicians expressed the belief she had been dead since about 8:30 pm.
A post mortem examination was conducted at the Burnett-Wallen funeral home Tuesday night, and doctors said her death was due to a heart attack.
Mrs. Biklen was born in Burlington, June 30, 1881, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WJ Donahue, and was united in marriage with Al Biklen, June 17, 1909. She entered business as the owner of The Evelyn Shop om 1928. She was well known in a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Mrs. Biklen was a member of the Congregational church and the Whatsover circle auxiliary.
Surviving are her husband; three sisters, Clara, Jean, and Alice Donahue of Seattle, Wash. Two sisters and two brothers preceded her in death.
The body was removed to the Burnett-Wallen funeral home. Services will be held from the residence Saturday at 3:30 pm Rev. Bruce H Masselink officiating. Interment in Aspen Grove Cemetery.