Gottlob H. Biklen
Born: March 16th, 1830
Died: May 27th, 1901
At midnight last night took place death of one of Burlington’s oldest and most highly respected citizens, Gottlob H. Biklen, aged 71 years, 2 months, and 11 days. The funeral will be held from Zion Evangelical church Thursday morning at 9:30.
Gottlob H. Biklen was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, March 16, 1830. His early manhood was spent in grape culture in his native province and there he learned the habits of industry and frugality that crowned his life with success. In 1853 he could no longer appease his ambition to come to the new world and seek his fortune, so he essayed what was then the long journey and landed safely on the American shore, taking up his residence at Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana. In March of the following year, he removed to Burlington, where it was decreed he was to find the fortune he sought and spend the remainder of his life. Lacking knowledge of a trade or profession but possessing strength, health, and energy, he resolutely set to work doing manual labor until an opportunity should present itself to his condition. This came to him two years later and proved to be the turning point in his life, bringing to him position and wealth. It was in the humble position of porter in the wholesale house of Charles Starker & Co. That position he filled and faithfully discharged his duties until he became the senior member of the firm. In 1861 he withdrew from the firm and engaged in the retail grocery business. Fourteen years later, having accumulated sufficient capital and seeing an opportunity for greater usefulness, he closed out his retail business and entered the jobbing trade as the head of the Biklen-Winzer Grocer Co. He continued to take an active interest in the business until a short time ago when he became afflicted with cancer, which caused his death.
Mr. Biklen was united in marriage in Bedford, Lawrence County, Indiana, on July 24, 1853, with Miss Christina Hammer. Two children were born of their union, a son and a daughter, William, and Christina. The daughter is the wife of James S. Kline, the former grocer; the son died a short time ago. Mr. Biklen lost his wife in March 1868, and he was again married sometime thereafter to Miss Christina Paule, the daughter of Jacob Paule. She is a native of the district in which Mr. Biklen was born, and was a fellow passenger in the same ship which brought him to America. Six children were born of the second marriage, four daughters and two sons, who with the widow and a host of relatives and friends, mourn the departed.
Mr. Biklen was a public-spirited citizen, having given largely of his time and means to the public schools, Burlington hospital, and Aspen Grove Cemetery. His splendid executive ability was shown in the discharge of the duties of the offices which he filled on the various boards, and it aided in no small degree in building these institutions up to their present high standards. He took an active interest in religious matters and was for years one of the leading members of the Zion Evangelical church. He was primarily a home-loving man and the flowers and shrubbery which made his home-place on Prospect Hill such a delightful one bear evidence of his love for home and nature. He was a man who lived a simple, unostentatious, God-fearing life. He had the instinct and acumen that made his business life a success, but he also possessed that which was better and redounds greatly to his credit – a love for his fellowmen that made him do much in a quiet way to relieve suffering and to advance the cause of humanity in various ways. He was a philosopher, a philanthropist, a law-abiding citizen, and a splendid neighbor. His was a nobly round-ed out life, and his great success in a business way after such a humble beginning should prove encouraging to those who falter by the wayside. The residents of our city, in every walk of life, mourn his death.
The funeral cortege will leave the family residence, 106 Polk Street, Thursday, May 30, at 9 am, and proceed to the German Evangelical Zion church, 408 North Fifth Street. Services at 9:30 am. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Please omit flowers.