Frederick Bierwirth
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: July 20th, 1877
Another of Burlington’s old settlers, one who, among the young men of the present day was a veteran businessman, has gone to his rest. Mr. FredrickBierwirth died at his residence at Sunnyside yesterday morning of congestion of the brain. He had been ill for a few days only. Last Wednesday morning he was in his drug store, on Third Street, but, feeling unwell, he went home only to bid farewell forever to his business life. He retained his faculties almost to the last. But the messenger came with a swift message, and the journey was short between this world and the world to come.
Mr. Beirwirth was a native of the city of Cassell, in Germany, where he was born forty-three years ago. He came to America in early life and settled in Burlington about twenty years ago. He was for a time a clerk in Garthe’s drug store. Subsequently, he bought a drug store and has been constantly engaged in the business ever since.
Mr. Bierwirth was as well known to our people as anybody in the city. His long residence among us, his excellent personal character, his kind heart, and his pleasant disposition, made him many friends. His name is associated with many pleasant memories. He leaves a wife and four promising children. The goodwill which he richly earned among us will be extended to them, by many who mourn his early death.
The funeral will take place at the residence on Sunnyside tomorrow afternoon.