John Richard Bieg
Born: January 25th, 1868
Died: January 13th, 1901
John Richard Bieg, widely known and esteemed and for the last five years foreman of the Western brewery in this city, died yesterday morning at his home, No. 1134 Long Street. Only one week ago last Friday Mr. Bieg was forced to give up work and remained at home suffering from la grippe, which developed into pneumonia. Despite all that medical skill and careful nursing could do his condition grew alarming and for several days preceding his death but slight hope was held out for recovery. He leaves a wife and six children, the oldest ten years of age, and an aged mother in St. Louis to mourn his death. The tidings will come as a sad surprise to hundreds of friends in this city. Although Mr. Bieg had lived in Burlington but five years he had made many friends through his kindly and genial manners and his excellent qualities. He was a man of the highest integrity and was universally respected. He was an ardent member of the Liedertafel, Schwaben Verein, and the German Veterans society.
John Richard Bieg was born in Gieslingen, Wurtemberg, Germany, on January 25, 1868, and was, therefore, years old. At an early age, he came to America with his parents, first stopping in Philadelphia in 1881. A few years later the family removed to St. Louis. The father was a brewer and the young man learned his trade by his father’s side. In 1890 the young man was married to Miss Emma Schroeder, and in 1895 came to Burlington. Previous to that time he had worked in Quincy and Hannibal.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at the family home, No. 1134 Long Street. Rev. Neumann of Bethan Lutheran church will conduct the service. The pallbearers will be selected from among the employees of the various breweries in this city. Honorary pallbearers will be chosen from the societies of which the deceased was a member. Interment will be at Aspen Grove.