Jonathan M. Berry
Born: April 25th, 1821
Died: May 12th, 1904
Jonathan M. Berry, eighty-three years of age, died suddenly last evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. HH Gilman, corner of Sixth and Pine streets, where he has been living for the past four years. He was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, came went in the year os 1849, settling at Elvaston, Illinois. He made that locality his abiding place, until about four years ago, when his wife passed away and he moved to this city, to take up residence with his daughter.
Mr. Berry was a member of the Octogenarian society and a fine old gentleman in every respect. He was a student and a great lover of nature, never tiring of admiring the handiwork of the Creator. The flowers and the trees and the birds possessed a rare interest for him. He was a great lover of the children and frequently addressed the pupils of the public schools on matters of interest dealing with his researches into the book of nature. He had many friends among the little ones who hailed with delight the appearance of the kindly old man, with his delightful information and interesting tales.
Up to a few days ago, Mr. Berry was apparently in the best of health and his end was not expected. He dropped peacefully to sleep last evening about 5 o’clock, a fitting end of a long life of good deeds.
The deceased is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mary Filman. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, from the Gilman home at 2:30 Saturday.