Martha M. Bernard
Born: January 17th, 1832
Died: June 8th, 1910
Mrs. Martha M. Bernard, widow of the late Cornelius Bernard, one of the pioneer citizens of Burlington, died yesterday morning about six o’clock, in Haverhill, Massachusetts, where for several years she has resided at the home of a daughter.
She was born January 17, 1832, in Grafton, Vermont, coming to Burlington at the time of her marriage to Cornelius Bernard, November 5, 1857, and made this city her home during some fifteen years following the death of her husband, which occurred July 15, 1887.
Upon leaving this city her home has been in Columbus, Ohio, with a daughter, Mrs. Charles E. McAllister, and at Haverhill, Mass., with a daughter, Mrs. Charles F. Smith.
She was a lifelong member of the Baptist denomination and ever since her coming to Burlington has had her membership with the First Baptist Church of this city.
Her surviving children are John Bernard, Mrs. Jennie M. Mercer, and Edward L. Bernard, of this city; Mrs. Martha L. McAllister of Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. Bessie C. Smith, of Haverhill, Mass. Three children died during infancy. She also leaves surviving her twelve grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
During the last three years, her health was continuously declining and in all that period she was a patient sufferer. Her remains will be brought here for interment and will arrive Friday afternoon.
The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
The funeral of Mrs. Martha Bernard took place from the John M. Mercer home yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Rev. Roy Barrett officiated, assisting Dr. William Salter, Mrs. Frank Schramm and Mrs. George Alfs sang Interment was made in Aspen Grove Cemetery.