Cornelius Bernard
Born: July 5th, 1804
Died: July 15th, 1887
Mr. Cornelius Bernard, whose death occurred Friday afternoon and was mentioned by us yesterday morning, was one of Burlington's early settlers and one of her oldest citizens. He was born in West minster, Massachusetts in 1804 and had but recently passed his eighty-third birthday. His father subsequently removed to Windham, Vermont, where he remained at home until he was eighteen years old when he removed to Chautauqua County, New York, which he afterward left for Ohio and Indiana, coming to Iowa in 1838. He passed through Burlington, going into Davis county, where he remained for a short time, but subsequently came back to Burlington and purchased property here and ever afterward remained here. The first work he found to do in this city was on the construction of the Old Zion church. He soon left the more laborious pursuits, however, and returned to his former employment, that of the schoolmaster. He was, in subsequent years, engaged in other pursuits and various transactions, until he finally retired to his home upon his original purchase.
He was married in 1848 to Miss Sarah Root at Warren, Ills. Of their two children, the son is now a resident of Burlington, and the daughter died in infancy. The mother died in 1856. In 1857, he married Miss Martha M. White, or Grafton, Vermont, who now survives him, together with the son, Edward Bernard, and three daughters, Mrs. John M. Mercer, and Misses Mattie and Bessie Bernard. While a man of exceedingly shy and retiring disposition, Mr. Bernard was possessed of qualities of benevolence and charity which the world at large was but little acquainted with. He leaves a name unsullied by any act or deed for which his mourning friends can blush.
The funeral will be held at four o’clock today from the family residence north of the city. The following gentlemen, all personal friends of the deceased, will officiate as pall-bearers; Wm. Garrett, Wm. Mercer, Geo. Whipple, OH Schenck, Simeon Russell and TJ Copp.