Ella Berg
Born: June 28th, 1865
Died: September 8th, 1920
The friends of Mrs. Paul Berg of West Mt. Pleasant street were inexpressibly shocked to hear of her passing away at an early hour this morning. Mrs. Berg was in her usual health and occupied with her home duties last evening when the illness which proved fatal attacked her.
Ella Quall was born in Norway, June 28, 1865and came to this country when a child. She was married April 12, 1883, at Sioux City, Ia., to Paul Berg. About twenty years ago the family removed to Burlington and for many years have occupied their present lovely home on Mt. Pleasant street. Mrs. Berg was the soul of hospitality and kindliness and was never happier than when ministering to the needs and comfort of her family and friends. Mrs. Berg early became a Christian and has long been affiliated with the St. Paul’s Evangelical Church of West Burlington. In church circles as well as in her home she will be most sadly missed.
Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Berg. Two passed away in infancy. She is survived by the following, who mourn with the sorrowing husband; Alf Berg of Grasston, Miss., Mrs. Carl Schoell, Mrs. Emil Gerdom, and Paul, all of this city. Two little grandsons, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Berg, have lost a devoted grandmother.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the family home. Friends are invited to these services.