Philip Benner
Born: October 26th, 1835
Died: November 16th, 1897
At 3 o’clock, yesterday afternoon, at his home, No. 808 North Eighth Street, Philip Benner, late of the firm of Runodrff & Benner, died surrounded by his sorrowing family.
Last May the deceased began to fail through the progress of Bright’s disease of the kidneys and during the summer he because critically ill, his life being despaired of from day to day.
In the fall he appeared to recover and he was able to go away for a short visit with relatives in Louisa county. Since his return home, however, the progress of the disease continued, his limbs, later his body, and finally his heart swelling with dropsical affection.
He is survived by a widow, two sons, and two daughters, his sons being Messrs. Arthur & Philip, Jr., and of his daughters, one is the wife of Rev. Zimmerman, of Wapello, and the other of Mrs. George Wahl, of this city.
The deceased was born in Missouri in 1835 and came to Burlington in 1862, working for ten years at his trade of wagon-maker. In 1872 he formed a partnership with Mr. Emil Rundorff in the hardware business, a partnership which existed till a few weeks ago, Mr. Benner retiring on account of his failing health.
He was a director in the First German M.E. Church and president of the German American Mutual Life Association.
Mr. Benner was a man of exemplary business traits, punctual in the fulfillment of all obligations, and recognized as a man of the most unswerving probity. In his social nature, he was genial and warm-hearted and devoted to his own home circle. He will be sincerely mourned by a large portion of the community.
The funeral will be held from the family residence, 808 North Eighth Street, at 1:30 Friday afternoon. Services at the German ME Church on Washington street at 2 o’clock to which friends are invited. Service at the home is private. Interment will be in Aspen Grove Cemetery.