Edward H. Benne
Born: May 5th, 1854
Died: May 3rd, 1922
Edward H. Benne, a resident of Burlington for more than half a century, passed away this morning at 7 o’clock in his home, 818 North Tenth St. His death followed a lingering illness.
He was born in Lockport, N.Y., on March 5, 1854, and was 68 years old. He lived in Burlington practically all his life.
Mr. Benne was a carpenter and contractor for many years until his health began to fail some eight or nine years ago when he retired.
He was married to Hanna Riepe on April 2, 1875, and four children were born of that union. Harry F. Benne of West Burlington, Edward H. Benne of Sterling, Ill., Otto Benne of Richmond, Cal., and Clara Benne at home.
His wife passed away on January 17, 1889, and later he was united in marriage to Christine Stahl, who also survives.
Funeral services for Edward H. Benne will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home, 818 North Tenth Street, and at 2:30 from the First Evangelical church, with Rev. Mr. Buescher officiating. Interment will be in Aspen Grove cemetery. The services from the home will be private and friends are invited to attend the service from the church