Catharine Benkert
Born: August 27th, 1823
Died: July 9th, 1901
Mrs. Catherine Benkert, living two and a half miles west of Denton died yesterday morning from the effects of the extreme heat. The body was brought to Lincoln and will be shipped today to Burlington, Ia., for interment.
Mrs. Benkert came to Nebraska but a few weeks ago. She was seventy-eight years old and quite feeble. The recent week of heat weakened her more and more, but still, she did not take to her bed until Tuesday and at 4:50 she breathed her last.
She leaves seven sons, one of whom, George Benkert, a well-known young railroad man, lives in Lincoln. Another resides near Denton, where Mrs. Benkert died. The rest are in distant parts of the country. This is the first death this summer in this vicinity, which has been directly ascribed to the high temperatures.
**NOTE: There is a question about this being the obituary of the same person that is listed in the details due to some of the details but this is the "obit" that could be found for this date.