William L. Bell
Born: November 9th, 1874
Died: May 6th, 1920
After supper last evening Mr. and Mrs. William Bell were sitting in their home at 607 North Tenth St. talking, when Mrs. Bell walked ou into the kitchen for just a few minutes and on returning to the room she found her husband dead in the chair.
She knew that he had been having trouble with his heart and summoned a physician at once but Mr. Bell had died while she was out of the room and the doctor’s services were of no avail.
William L. Bell was born in Rome, Ia., November 9, 1874, and had lived in Burlington for some time, having been employed at the Burlington Route shops. Recently he and his brother purchased a restaurant on Central Avenue.
He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and the Woodman of the World. He is survived by his wife and one son, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bell; a brother, Charles Bell, all of Burlington, and a sister Mrs. Ole Turner of Rome, Iowa.