Nellie Behne
Born: February 28th, 1883
Died: September 12th, 1929
Miss Nellie Behne, 47, native and lifelong resident of Burlington died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frieda Munson, 1101 Ash Street at 9:45 last night, following several months of illness.
Miss Behnee was born in Burlington, February 28, 1882, and has been living with her sister for some time. She was a member of the Lutheran faith. Besides Mrs. Munson, she is survived by three other sisters, Mrs. Minnie Paulus, and Mrs. Alvina Wiedemier, of Burlington, and Mrs. Emma Liebenut of Detroit, and her mother, Mrs. Fredericka Behne of Burlington.
The body was taken to Prugh’s.
Funeral services were held from the residence, 1101 Ash Street, Sunday at 2:30 afternoon with burial in Aspen Grove Cemetery.