Friederika Behne
Born: November 11th, 1820
Died: February 13th, 1882
Mrs. Fredericka Behne, 98, died at noon on Wednesday at her home, 1123 Ash after several weeks of ill health.
Mrs. Behne was born in German on Jan. 30, 1849, the daughter of John and Dora List Able.
She married Henry Behne in 1874 and came with him to Burlington from Germany in 1882.
She was a member of Trinity Lutheran church here.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Frieda Munson, Mrs. Alvina Wiedemeier, and Mrs. John Paulus, all of Burlington; 8 grandchildren. Her husband and 2 daughters are dead.
Funeral services will be held in Prugh’s Chapel Saturday afternoon at 2:00. Rev. HG Schwegler will officiate. Interment will be in Aspen Grove Cemetery.