Laura Becker
Born: January 3rd, 1886
Died: July 30th, 1964
Services for Miss Laura Becker, 78, of 605 ½ S. Leebrick, who died July 30, will be held Monday at 2 pm in the Elliot-Lunning chapel here, the Rev. Horace Ireland officiating. Burial will be at Aspen Grove.
She was born in Des Moines county on Jan. 3, 1886, the daughter of Henry and Margaret Horn Becker. She was of the Methodist faith.
Survivors include two brothers, John, of Mt. Pleasant rural, and Harry of Fayetteville, Ark., and three sisters, Mrs. Ada Lemon, New London, Mrs. Ruth Gesling, Burlington, and Mrs. Esther Moon, Mt. Union, Pa. A sister is dead.