Milton Albert Schoell
Born: September 27th, 1905
Died: August 7th, 1985
Funeral for Milton Albert Schoell, 79, of 101 Indian Terrace, who died Wednesday, Aug. 7, will be held at the Lunning Chapel at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Dr. Robert Buhr officiating. A Masonic service will be held at the chapel at 7 p.m. Friday, Burial will be in Aspen Grove Cemetery. A memorial has been established for Bethany Lutheran Church. Mr. Schoell was born in Des Moines County Sept. 27, 1905, to Fred W. and Lena Schmidt Schoell. He married Hester Heinen June 30, 1934, in Burlington. He served as city finance commissioner from 1960 until 1968 and was a past president of the Iowa Municipal Finance Association. For many years prior to his election, he was a Burlington Northern Railroad employee. He was an active member of Bethany Lutheran Church and a former president of the church council. Mr. Schoell held a number of offices in Masonic orders. He was installed in 1960 as grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Iowa. He had been a member and master councilor of the James A. Guest chapter, Order of DeMolay; Des Moines Lodge No. 1 AF&AM, high priest of Iowa Chapter No. 1 Royal Arch Masons; three times master of Zerubbabel Council 22, R&S Masters, commander of St. Omer Commandery No. 15; monarch of Murad Grotto, Zarephath Consistery and member of the Red Cross of Constantine. Surviving: His wife; a brother, Paul, Burlington, and several nieces and nephews.