Hiram Beard
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: May 20th, 1881
To the record of death, we are called upon to add the name of another one of Burlington’s early and honored citizens, Mr. Hiram Beard. The deceased, whose death occurred yesterday afternoon, has for years been a patient sufferer of the lingering but fatal disease, consumption. During the early stages of the disease, and, in fact, not until long after its fangs had been so firmly fastened upon his vitals, did Mr. Beard make up his mind that he must become its victim. For several months post the deceased had been ailing to the extent that he realized the fact that his days on earth few, and with calm resignation, he awaited the end.
Mr. Beard came to Iowa from Germantown, Ohio, in 1860 or 1861, as near as we have been able to ascertain. He was employed as a clerk in JM Kimball & Co.’s store, where Phillips’ store is now. Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Fullerton were clerks. In 1862-63 Mr. Beard was connected with the old and well-known house of Wright, Bell & Chamberlain. Mr. Beard was with the house for about three years. In the year 1877, he entered into co-partnership with Messers Mahlinger & Co., in the wholesale liquor business, afterward Beard, Hensberg & Co., of which firm he was a member at the time of his death.
Mr. Beard was a gentleman highly respected by those with whom he had been so intimately acquainted through all those past years and his death all long by remembered by a large circle of the old residents of Burlington who know him in his earlier and more healthful days.
Twenty-five years ago he was married to Miss Elizabeth Ronaldson, of this city, who now survives him with the offspring of one child, a son fourteen years of age. The funeral will take place on Sunday, but the hour we have not been advised of.
The Funeral took place May 22, 1881, from his late residence, 211 Pond Street, at 9:30 AM.