Nora Beaber
Born: October 31st, 1892
Died: March 13th, 1923
Mrs. Nora Beaber, wife of Earl Beaber, proprietor of a popular taxi service in Burlington, passed away at midnight last night in the Burlington hospital, following a serious operation.
She was born in Rome, Ia., October 31, 1892, and was 30 years old. Mrs. Baeaber was a member of the Christian church and of Royal Neighbors. She had scores of friends in Burlington who mourn her passing.
Besides her husband, she leaves a son, Jack Beaber; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newberg, of Burlington; one brother, Conrad Newburg, of Mt. Pleasant; three sisters, Mrs. Gus Unkrich, of Fairfield, Ia.; Mrs. Reuben Swan, of Modesta, Cal., and Mrs. Waldo Cavenee, of Lockridge.
The funeral services for Mrs. Beaber will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 from the home, 806 South Third Street, and at 2 from the Christian church. Friends are invited to attend.