Peter Weber
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: October 29th, 1929
The third suicide in Burlington and locality in as many days was recorded yesterday when Peter Weber, 51, a transient, shot himself thru the head in his room at the Cauldwell hotel, Main and Washington streets. His body was found slumped in a chair when the proprietor's wife went to clean the room about 2;15 p.m. Papers were found on the body, confirming his identification, but authorities have not yet been able to het in touch with relatives and the body is being held at Prugh's chapel. A note condemning society in general and expressing a note of pessimism indicating that he was in the depths of despndency was left by Weber. It was written in German. Seven dollars in cash were found in a pockey along with a card showing he had been employed this month on the Hannibal division of the Burlington railroad and a faded application for citizenship. According to this application blank, Weber was born in Bechen Falm, Hungary, in 1878. He last lived in that country at Brestwatz. At. the time the application was made, Dec. 27, Weber lived at 802 Capital avenue, St. Paul, Minn. An insurance policy for $400 giving his address as the Union hotel in Minneapolis and his occupation as that of a farm laborer, was also found in his pocket. He had written several letters in German, one to the police of Minneapolis, before he fired the bullet into his brain from an old revolver. Weber had been staying at the hotel since last Thursday and was seen about the place yesterday morning. He had complained of being ill. The proprietor went to his room during the afternoon and saw him sitting in the chair, but did not know he was dead until the discovery was made by his wife a short time later.