Carl H. Walstrom
Born: July 6th, 1871
Died: May 1st, 1909
Carl H. Walstrom passed away at his home, No. 503 Harrison avenue, a victim of the white plague. he was born in Princeton, Ill., July 6, 1871, and came to Burlington some three years ago to take the position of day engineer on the big bridge, which he filled in an entirely satisfactory manner, until a short time ago. He leaves the widow and three small children in Princeton, ill., he will be mourned by the father, three sisters and a brother and a host of friends. He was a member of Washington lodge of the Odd Fellows and had won many friends here, in railroad circles as well as among the residents of this city. The funeral will be held from the home on Monday, and the remains will be sent to Princeton for interment.