Henry Bauer
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: March 26th, 1907
March 26
While trying to save his horse from death in a burning stable on his property on Tama Island yesterday afternoon, Henry Bauer of 707 Washington Street of this city was so badly burned that he will probably not recover.
Bauer, who is 75 years old, owns a small farm on Tama Island. He left the city Sunday afternoon for the farm to put the place in shape for the spring planting. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock he began to burn a pile of rubbish. The wind communicated the fire to the barn in which his horse was stabled. Bauer after trying to beat out the flames, ran into the burning structure to release the horse. The thatched roof of the building burned rapidly and before the man could accomplish his purpose he was enveloped in flames. His clothing was completely burned off him but he was able to get out of the barn and escaped being buried in the ruins.
Bauer’s cries brought to his assistance two boys who were working in a nearby field. They did all they could for the injured man. A farmer named Campbell, living in that neighborhood brought Bauer to the city and took him to Mercy hospital at 5 o’clock last evening. The physicians worked over him for several hours and he speedily gained in strength, today being reported as resting easy. The entire upper portion of the body was burned, the flesh falling off. The arms, head, shoulders, and chest are in terrible condition The doctors do not extend much hope for recovery. He has not yet suffered the reactionary shock which always follows accidents of the nature with which he met. The is will probably be fatal.
The injured man is bearing up under his injuries and grieves more over the loss of his dog, which perished in the fire, than his burns. The dog, which had been a faithful companion of the old man and helped relieve the solitude of the farm, followed his master into the burning barn but was unable to get out again. He valued the dog more than the horse and would give all he possesses to restore the faithful beast.
March 27
Henry Bauer succumbed to the injuries received Monday while trying to rescue his horse from a burning stable on Tama Island, last evening at 7:30 at Mercy hospital. Although his injuries were of a terrible nature, he somewhat rallied yesterday afternoon and the physicians had some hopes for his recovery. He was unable to survive the secondary shock however and death resulted. He had been conscious the greater part of the day and suffered intense pain.
The deceased was seventy-five years old and had been a resident of Burlington for over half a century. He was a cigarmaker by trade and at one time he conducted a store in the Lawrence house, near the corner of Fourth and Jefferson streets, which was erected back in the early days and used as the first German-American school in Burlington. He was fond of music and was a good performer on several instruments. He was a member of the Burlington Silver Cornet band, the first band organized here, having only ten members. Later he was a part of Lehmann’s band.
Funeral will be held March 28 at 4 o’clock from Unterkircher’s chapel.