Daniel Campbell
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: June 25th, 1904
Born in 1844
The funeral of the late Daniel Campbell will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the home of his son, George W. Campbell, 1515 South Thirteenth street. The following sketch of Mr. Campbell's life and closing days has been handed to the Gazette for publication. Mr. Daniel Campbell, an old soldier and a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, died last Saturday evening at the Soldiers home in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Campbell had been having serious trouble with his eyes, and about four months ago blindness came upon him. His general health had been quite good until very recently, and the news of his unexpected death was a sad shock to his family here. Mr. Campbell was born in Pennsylvania in 18444. He was united in marriage with Miss Leah Gingrich in Lebanon county, Iowa, on November 17, 1868. Just thirty five years ago they moved to Burlington, and this city has been the family home ever since that time. One year ago this last Decoration day Mr. Campbell went to Milwaukee to the Soldiers' home for a visit, and he was a patient in the hospital there a the time of his death. He leaves the widow, Miss Leah Campbell, who, with her son Milton, resides on Thirteenth street. The other children are: Mrs. Millie A. Cawles of Ft. Madison, Mr. Ed Campbell of Galesburg and Messrs. George and Frank Campbell of this city. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Thursday morning from the residence, No. 1515 South Thirteenth street.