Caroline L. Bauer
Born: February 28th, 1838
Died: November 6th, 1898
Sunday afternoon, at the family residence, 311 South Ninth street, occurred the death of Mrs. Caroline Bauer, wife of George Leonard Bauer. Deceased has been ill for about two months and underwent an operation at St. Francis hospital a few weeks ago. Her advanced age was against her, for while she rallied somewhat after the operation, she gave her friends very little hope of recovery and continued to grow weaker daily until Sunday afternoon when she peacefully closed her eyes to earthly scenes.
She was born in Germany February 28, 1838, and came to this country when quite young. She was married in this city to George Leonard Bauer, June 20, 1858, and had resided here ever since, and was well-known among our German residents. Seven children were born to her, six daughters and one son. Three daughters await the coming of the mother on the other shore, while the husband, three daughters (Mrs. Margaret Schwartz, and Caroline and Lydia Bauer) and one son(Mrs. Fred Bauer, of Omaha) remain to mourn the loss of their mother.
She was a Christina woman and had been a faithful member and worker of the Zion German Evangelical church for many years.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon. Services at the house on Ninth Street will be held at 1:30, and at Zion church, corner of Fifth and Washington streets at 2 o’clock. Rev. C. Kurtz, pastor will conduct the ceremonies. The burial will be at Aspen Grove Cemetery.