Chester A. Cameron
Born: June 11th, 1880
Died: July 14th, 1936
Chester Arthur Cameron, 56, native of Des Moines county and a former dining car conductor on the Burlington railroad, died at Burlington hospital last night after a long illness. He was born June 11, 1870, the son of Edward and Dorcas Cameron,on the Cameron farm five miles west of Burlington on West avenue. He lived on the farm until he was of age, when he went to work for the railroad. After being employed by the railroad eight years ill health forced him to give up this work and he rturned to the farm. Mr. Cameron had been at the hospital two years and was ill two years before going there. He was a member of the Presbyterian faith. Surviving are a brother, Clarence Cameron, well known Des Moines county farmer; a cousin, Mrs. James A. Guest of this city; another cousin E.S. Leffler of San Fransisco, Calif., and an aunt, Mrs. George Chilcote, York, Neb. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday from Prugh's chapel. Dr. Archibald Cardle will officiate and interment will be in Aspen Grove cemetery,