Elizah Hamilton Calkins
Born: November 1st, 1829
Died: March 24th, 1892
News of the death of Mr. E.H. Calkins will be sad intelligence to our reviews this morning. It occurred at his home, 810 Fourteenth street, at five minutes after five o'clock yesterday afternoon, of hemorrhage of the brain, after a lingering illness of the most painful character. It was not unexpected, for his growing infirmity had been well known among his friends here and elsewhere; but in view of the fact that he was reported better it will come to many with startling force. Mr. Calkins was born November 1, 1829, in Sharon, now Seward, N.Y. His mother died when he was three years of age, dimly remembered. His father, Elijah Calkins, died in this city in the early winter of 1873 aged 75 years. Mr. Calkins received an ordinary education in the common schools of his place, which in that day were none too good, but they were enough to arouse in him a thirst for knowledge which was gratified all through his subsequent life by the reading of solid literature and by extended personal observation. In 1856 he came to Burlington, but passed on through to Nebraska City, then a promising young western city. Soon afterward he returned to New York, where he married Miss Sarah Becker, returning with her to Nebraska City. After a short residence there they returned to the Empire state. Here, in a short time, his wife died, leaving an infant son. This child was reared to young manhood by relatives, but died in New York in1875. Soon after the death of his wife, Mr. Calkins came to Burlington again, this time for residence. Here he first found employment witn Greenleaf Nealley in the old-time nursery, traveling in his interest and in other capacities for a number of years. November 24th, 1859, he was married to Miss Loraida E. Comstock, eldest daughter of the late Jacob Comstock, who came here from Ohio with his young family in 1839, and who died here in 1882. For a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Calkins lived in Union township, this county, then spent a year in the east. In 1869 they again took up their residence there, and it was their home till the spring of 1884, when they removed to the residence in this city above named; and it has since been their home. Mr. Calkins was a prominent fruit grower and for many years was heard in the councils of the Iowa Horticultural society, in which he was always interested. He was a successful farmer and for a number of years he conducted the agricultural department of The Hawk Eye. He was a republican from the birth of the party, always ardently interested in its success though never in the field for any office or honor of any kind. He was a lover of travel and made frequent and extended excursions, covering the country in these trips from one ocean to the other and from extreme north to south as well. He was a keen observer of human nature and natural phenomena. And these travels were always made to add to his store of useful knowledge and pleasant experiences.Mr. Calkins, as well as his wife, was a member of the First M.E. church here, feelingly interested in all worthy objects of the denomination named, and the general church as well. Twelve years ago Mr. Calkins suffered a severe illness in this city, immediately following his return from the west. After that time he saw more illness than health, and finally, one attack following and supplementing another, his health gave way. For three years and more he has been a constant sufferer from a mysterious malady that has baffled the skill of the medical talent to be commanded. It probably proceeded from some obscure cause located in an earlier period of his life. At any rate uneasiness and unrest came upon him five years ago. Severer illness followed, and the trouble increased in extent and severity until there was no member or portion of his body that was free from pain, to say nothing of repeated prostrating attacks of one kind and another, each of which added to the burden of his infirmities and aided to break down his constitution. For almost two years he has been chained to his bed, or his invalid's chair, and day and night, almost without ceasing, he has suffered, fully half the time, the most excruciating pain. In the midst of all these afflictions, before which the physicians confessed themselves helpless, there were prayers for release but no plaint against the allwise Providence that chasteneth whom He loveth.Patience almost unexampled became the feature of his illness. He was refreshed by the calls of many friends, among the people of Burlington and elsewhere, and was always delighted to entertain them as long as he was able to converse at all. A week ago this morning it was seen that during the night he had sustained a stroke of partial paralysis. Medical skill could avail nothing. There was a temporary rally but he went steadily down, sinking into lethargy Tuesday night from which, by yesterday noon there was no rousing him. He died peacefully and free from pain, surrounded by family and friends. He is survived by his wife and the son, J.E. Calkins, city editor of the Davenport Democrat. He leaves two sisters, Mrs Cannon and Mrs. Backus, in Gainesville, Georgia, and three brothers, M.B. Calkins, living west of this city. L.D. Calkins, of Cobleskill, New York, and Jno. S. Calkins, of Los Angeles county, California. Notice of the funeral will be found elsewhere.