Clothilda Elizabeth Cady
Born: February 15th, 1870
Died: December 20th, 1952
Mrs. Clothilda E. Cady, 2121 S. Main street, died at Mercy hospital, Saturday afternoon after a short illness. She was born Feb. 15, 1870 in Vincennes, Ind. She was married to William Higgin, who preceded her in death. About 40 years ago she moved to Burlington. In 1897 she was married to Clarence Cady. He died in 1928. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Ellowood, Camp Point, Ill., and Mrs. Ester Hintley of Burlington; and three sons Frank Higgin, Fort Worth, Texas; Clarence Cady of Albuquerque, N.M., and Edward of Washington state; 18 grand children and a number of great-grandchildren. Two brothers, two sisters, two sons and two daughters preceded her in death. Services will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Wallen's funeral home with the Rev. Elmer Doughty officiating. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.