Rosie Marie Astfalk
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: May 1st, 1917
Mrs. Gus Astfalk of of 1317 Brick street, passed away at 7:30 Tuesday evening, after a lingering illness of several months, Rosie Marie Heins was born in Burlington, Iowa, in 1877, which has remained her home. In 1903 she was married to Mr. Gus Astfalk. She is survived by the husband and five small children. Flora, Delphina, Milton, Edwin and an infant three days old; her father, two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Pletke, of this city, and Mrs. W.L. Ballinger of Chicago, three brothers, Fred and Walter, of this city and William of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She was a member of the First German Evangelical church and of the Paul Caster Rebekah Lodge, and a host of friends will miss her sadly. She was a loving mother and always ready to help wherever she could be of assistance. The funeral announcement will be made later.