Jesse Asher
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: February 18th, 1920
Jesse Asher, prominent business man of North Henderson, Ill., and a former resident of Burlington, passed away Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock after an illness of only one day. He was born in Indiana in 1855 and was 64 years old at the time of death. Mr. Asher came to Burlington about eight years ago and resided here for two years, later moving to North Henderson. Mr. Asher was united in marriage to Miss Ida Mackintire about thirty-six years ago and leaves a host of friends here and in Henderson county who will mourn his death. He is survived by his wife and eleven children, Elsie, Jesse and Mrs. Fritz Swanson of North Henderson. Mrs. Ralph Mooney of Davenport, Mrs. William Brainard of Kirkwood, Ill., Mrs Leala Lafferty of Buffalo, N.Y., Mrs Lula Cristy of San Francisco, and Arthur, Lloyd and Floyd Asher and Mrs. George Haller of Burlington. Short funeral services will be held from the family home in North Henderson, Friday morning, and the remains will be brought to Burlington. Services will be held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Haller, 1819 Highland avenue at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment will be made in Aspen Grove cemetery. Friends are invited to attend.