Rebekah Aschoff
Born: July 12th, 1833
Died: July 5th, 1908
Mrs. Rebekah Aschoff passed away Sunday evening at 11;45 o'clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.S. Duvall, near Galesburg, where she had been making her home since the death of her husband, some nine years ago. Deceased was born in Harrisburg,Lebanon county, Ohio, July 12, 1833, and came to Burlington with her parents in1851. And this city remained her home until nine years ago. She was a good woman and many who knew her well will keep her memory green. She is survived by the following children: Frank, George, Sam, William and Edward Aschoff, here; Mrs. W.S. Duvall, near Galesburg and Mrs. P.J. Mathews, here. The remains will be laid away in Aspen Grove cemetery. Arrangements for the funeral to be announced later.