Elsie M. Aschoff
Born: January 23rd, 1895
Died: July 26th, 1938
Passed away Tuesday morning, July 26, 1938, Mrs. Elsie Aschoff, at the age of 43 years, 6 months and 3 days. Services will be held from the Unterkircher funeral home at 2:30 o'clock Thursday, July 28, 1938. Rev. Buescher will officiate, with burial in Aspen Grove cemetery. Friends invited.
Mrs. Elsie Aschoff, 43, mother of an eight-year-old daughter, of 1151 Ash street, hanged herself to an inside doorknob of the bathroom at her home early this morning. Ill health was given as the cause of her act by her husband, to Coroner Chris Adank. The tragedy was discovered by her brother, Arthur Ramiller, Burlington Route shops employe, who broke into the bathroom when called from work by Mr. Aschoff. Mr. Achoff discovered the bathroom door locked at about 7:30 his morning and when unable to force it, telephoned his brother-in-law. Locking the door on the inside by its hook, the woman had hanged herself to the doorknob, slowly strangling herself to death with a clothesline, police said in reconstructing the suicide. She had been dead about four hours when her body was discovered, Adank said. Mr. Aschoff, near collapse after the finding of the body, told police his wife had acted "peculiar" recently and that last night spoke incoherenetly as if her mind were wandering. She had been in ill health, her husband said. The body was removed to the Unterkircher funeral home pending the arrangement of funeral services. Assistant Chief Joseph Baird and Patrolmen O.D. Taylor, Sigfried Schieffer and Harry Anderson answered the call to the Aschoff home, taking the ambulance there. They notified the coroner on learning of the death.