Guy Chester Archer
Born: May 2nd, 1885
Died: August 23rd, 1954
Guy Chester Archer, 69, of 1014 N. 8th, died early Monday at Burlington hospital after an illness of about two months. A former school teacher, he taught at Montrose and Mount Union, coming to Burlington three years ago. Archer was born May 2, 1885, at Troy, IA. He was married to Mildred Nelson, July 29, 1914, at Decorah. he was a member of the First Methodist church in Burlington and of the Masonic order. At one time he was active in Boy Scout work. Surviving are his wife, Burlington; a son, Vernon, also of Burlington; two sisters, Mrs. Olive Miller, Albia, and Mrs. Jessie Phillips, Missooula, Mont: two brothers, Dr. C.P. Archer, St. Paul, Minn., and Garlord, Davenport; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Vivian Archer, Anacortes, Wash.; four grandchildren and a large number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Wallen chapel, Dr. Deane Chapman officiating and burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.