P. Henry Andre
Born: February 10th, 1855
Died: February 11th, 1918
P. Henry Andre, of 1511 Summer street, passed away at Burlington hospital at 8 o'clock last evening. He was a native of Burlington, born here FEbruary 10. 1855, and had lived here all his days. He had always made his home in the Seventh ward. He was one of the veteran grocerymen of the city, having been in that business thirty-five years, and he was in business at the time of his death, the firm name being Andre & Hoeschle.
Mr. Andre had long been prominent in Odd Fellow circles. He was a member of Washington lodge, No. 1, of the Eurka Encampment and Paul Caster Rebekah degree. He was also a member of the Burlington Launch club and of the Hawkeye Natives association. He was held in the highest esteem wherever he was known, a man of many excellent qualitites, and a man who enjoyed to a rare degree the confidence of all. And he merited it, for he believed in and practiced the square deal always. Thus he was one of the directors of the Burlington Savings bank. The Burlington hospital had no stauncher friend than Mr. Andre, who was one of the founders of the institution, and an early member of the directorate, a position which he held at the time of his death.
P. Henry Andre was married to Mrs. Friederike Miller, October 20, 1877. She died August 25, 1897. He was married on June 29, 1904, to Miss SAllie Daguet. He is survived by the widow, a son, William Andre, by his first marriage, and four daughters, Mrs. Carrie Hahn, Katherine, Marie and Helen Andre. He is also mourned by three sisters, Mrs. Louisa Koch, here; Mrs. Tillie Scholes, of Cody, Wyo.; Mrs. Margaret Harmer, of Spokane, Wash.; and two brothers, John Andre, of the city and George Andre, of Oklahoma. A wide circle of friends will keep his memory green. The arrangements for the funeral will be announced later.