Thomas Fred Anderson
Born: June 30th, 1873
Died: February 23rd, 1925
Born 1872
Thomas Fred Anderson, known to his friends as "Sully" for nineteen consecutive years in charge of the South Main street fire station, died at St. Francis hospital this morning at 5:20 o'clock after a severe hemorrhage of the lungs.
He has been ill since the Turner warehouse fire on Jefferson street and it is thought that smoke inhaled while fighting that fire injured his lungs and finally resulted in the hemorrhage that caused his death. he had been confined to his bed only for short intervals, and during the last few days he was thought to be improving in health. The day before his death he sat up most of the day and attended to the few necessary duties about his home at 523 South Main street. Early in the evening he was stricken with a hemorrhage, but seemed to recover from that. He was taken to the hospital where in the early paty of the evening he seemed to restng quietly. Early this morning he suffered another hemorrhage which proved fatal. "Sully" was born in Burlington June 30, 1873, ad spent practically his entire life in this city. He was married on May 24, 1920, to Mrs. Ella Wagner, who survives him. Three brothers, Ed Anderson and John Anderson of Burlington, and Charles Anderson, of Chicago, and three sisters, Mrs. Tillie Norden, Mrs. Ida Gustafson and Mrs. Hattie Carsten, all of Chicago, are left.
In 1903 Mr. Anderson went on as a minute man at the South Main street station, then known as No 7 and later changed to No 4, when the equipment was motorized. In 1906 he went on as a regular fireman and has been at the South Main street station during his entire ninteen years of service. During that time he has helped fight some of the worst fires Burlington has ever known, and was always faithful and prompt in his duties, many times barely escaping with his life. Since the motorization of the fire department he has driven the truck from this station.
Where "Sully" which is short for Sullivan got his nickname is ascribed to his propensity as a lad for defending his rights at all times. He was a husky, rugged, well set up youth, noted for his disposition to always take the part of the underdog or to go to rescue of those smaller and weaker than himself. he was never a bully, but did not hesitate to mix when the occasion demanded. This was about the time when John L. Sullivan was the pugilistic idol of the nation and some of "Sully's" companions dubbed him with the name of the world champion, which clung to him through life, although he never aspired a pugilistic career or sought trouble with anyone when he reached man's estate.
Prospect hill people particularly were fond of "Sully." Resdiedents old and young were wont to stop into the fire house on their way back and forth from town in the days when walking was in vogue and discuss the topics of the day. Baseball was ever a prolific source of discussion. "Sully" knew all about duck hunting and fishing and those fond of these sports could always find ready advice from the big-hearted fireman. He was kind to animals and in the period when fire equipment was drawn with horses. "Sully's sleek team was always the best cared for. He was handy with tools and boys whonow are men could always go to "Sully" with their problems and obtain a sympathetic hearing.
Gentle and good natured, of good habits, ever alert to respond to the call of duty and fearless in its performance. "Sully" won friedns and kept them and his passing will be received with most sincere regret by those honored with his friendship in the years he srved on the fire department.
He was a member of the Odd Fellows and the Police and Firemen's Insurance association.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon, but definite arrangements have not yet been completed.