Solomon Anderson
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: August 27th, 1901
Solomon Anderson, for twenty-five years a faithful employe of A. Largomarcino, suicided last night by cutting his throat with a razor. The cause that prompted Anderson to take his life is an unsolved mystery, but it was probably done in a fit of temporary insanity.
Anderson sustained a sunstroke several years ago and since that tiem has at different times appeared slightly demented.
The body of the suicide was discovered about 8 o'clock last night by C. G. Bergren, a life-long friend of Anderson's. Bergren called to see his friends and found the body reclining on a couch. The throat was cut from ear to ear and a razor tightly clinched in the dead man's hands was the weapon used by Anderson to end his life. Coroner Unterkircher was called up by telephone, and at once had assistants remove the body to the morgue.
Anderson was born in Sweden and was forty-five years old. His nearest relatives are several brothers and sisters living in Sweden. He was an honest, industrious worker, and his tragic end has proved a sorrow to many friends.