S. P. Anderson
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: September 10th, 1890
The dead body of S.P. Anderson, who for the past eighteen years has been in the employ of the "q" and for six months past has been the bluff watch on the Long Line, was found yesterday morning lying beside the track about a mile south of the Cascade saw mills. Thomas Clark, section boss, and his gang were the first to find the body and report the fact to the authoritites. Anderson, propr to his death, resided at 1501 South Thirteenth street, and was married man forty-two years of age, having a family of six children, the oldest of which is fifteen and the youngest less than one year old. his neighbors all speak in the gihest terms of him: say he was sober, industrious and honest, and his death will be a sad blow to his family, which he leaves in very poor circumstances. As soon as possible after the discovery of the body and an examination of its surroundings by the coroner, it was removed to the morgue by Coroner Underkircher and the coroner's inquest was held at seven o'clock last evening in the undertaker's rooms, and the following gentlemen were placed on the jury: Werner Boeklin, Walter Whipple, L.A. Potts. The first witness caled was Thomas Clark; he testified that he was a section foreman on the St. L.L.&N.W.R.R. Had gone down to work yesterday morning somewhat before eight o'clock, and had taken his hand-car from the track about half a mile below the Cascade saw mills. Was standing around superintending the work when a stranger, who had passed the group of trainmen and gone farther down the track, beckoned to him to cme down that way; he did so, and found the dead man lying on the ground near the track, not over three hundred yards from where the men had been at work. He testified that Anderson had been working for him; was bluff watch, his duty was to go ahead of the passenger trains and see that the track along the foot of the bluffs south of twon were free from obstructions, he generally went down about 4:30 a.m. and returned about 9:00 a.m.: in the evening he went on duty about 5:30 p.m. and went over the track ahead of the evening trains. He had been in this job anout six months. Witness last saw him on duty about 5:50 Monday evening: had no ida what train struck him: the body was lying between the track and the bluff about two feet and a-half from the track: the flag of the deceased lay along the end of the ties, and his lantern lay by his side. peter Carlsen being sworn testified:
-Work on section with Clark; don't know much about the case; found deceased lying on the ground about two feet from the track, face downward, have been wth Clark about five weeks.
James Bowman, the next witness called testified subsstantially as the two preceding.
Henry Scheick, in addition to the former facts brought to light the circumstance that the 7:50 K.C. train had just gone past beofre the body was discovered. Life was extinct when the body was found; deceased was lying on his left side, face to the south, and feet to the west. Witness had known Anderson about five and one-half months; he always had the appearance of being a steady man an always attended to his business. John Scholer, the next witness was a boy about fifteen years old; lives at Cascade about one-half mile above where the man was killed: saw deceased about 6:30 or 7:00 Monday evening: he seemed to have been drinking but didn't notice him stagger: he was quite talkative, however, and stopped and talked with witness.
Charles Amberg, a relative of Anderson, was put on the stand next. Had seen Anderson Monday and had conversation with him: he was entriely sober: he had got home a little before five o'clock from a trip down town, the object of which had been to make arrangements to pay the interest which was due on a mortgage: he told his wife that he guessed it was all right. Deceased did not return home Monday night, but his family was not alarmed as he often remained out all night to fish. It was very dark that night and witness was of the opinion deceased was killed early in the night before he had completed his rounds.
Coroner Underkircher testified to the jury that the body when found was very rigid and appeared to have been without life for ten or twelve hours and that the top of the head was injured in a manner not consistent with a mere fall, as the scalp was badly torn and loosened. The evidence brought to the notice of the jusry showed conclusively that the man was killed by a passing train, and they were convinced beyond douby that his death was not the result of a fall merely, but of a severe blow by an engine and brought in a verdict occordingly. But it was impossible to say positively at what time and by what train it was done, as several trains had passed each way since the deceased had been seen last alive. The theory of suicide was untenable, because although Anderson had money trouble and was in greatly straightened circumstances and only the day before his death had vainly endeavored to raise the necessary money to pay off the interest on his mortgage, still the manner of his death, in addition to the known characer and disposition of the man precludes such and idea, for ahd he contemplated suicide he would not likely have gone so far away to accomplish the deed nor would he have run any risks of a painful or slow death, by simply allowing the train to strike him on the top of the head-had he intended his own destruction he would have thrown himself in front of the train and not against its side, as it went whizzing by. The funeral will take place at 3 p.m. to-day from his late home on South Thirteenth street.