Marie Anderson
Born: November 5th, 1879
Died: August 26th, 1904
Mrs. Marie Anderson, wife of Anthony C. Anderson, of Agency avenue, died at St. Francis hospital after and illness lasing about three weeks.
Deceased was born in Germany on November 25, 1879, and had moved to Burlington with her parents when but a few years old. Several years ago she was united in marriage with Anthony C. Anderson and to this union three children were born, all of whom survive her.
Three weeks ago her health gradually failed her and she was taken to St. Francis hospital for treatment, her sickness developing into typhoid fever. In spite of the best medical treatment and the care given her by the Sisters at the hospital her condition rapidly grew worse unti the end came this morning.
Mrs. Anderson was a good Christian woman and a kind mother and spent the greater part of her time in the making of her home a happy place for her husband and children, an undertaking in which she was entirely successful.
Besides a husband and three children she is survived by the following brothers and sisters: Fred, Charles, John, William, Michael and Mrs. Emma Schoelkopp, all of Belfast, Iowa and Mrs. Theodore Binder, of this city.
The funeral will be held from the residence of her brother-in-law, Theodore Binder, of Agency avenue, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.