Margaret M. Anderson
Born: April 6th, 1857
Died: June 30th, 1926
Mrs. Margaret Anderson, 69 years old, wife of Will H. Anderson, died this morning at 3:45 o'clock at her home, 412 Summer street, succumbing to an illness of several months duration. Mrs. Anderson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mooney, pioneer residents of Burlington, was born here April 6, 1857, She obtained her education in local parochial schools and was united in marriage with Mr. Anderson September 20, 1882. To this union four children were born, one of whom, James preceded his mother to the grave.In addition to her husband, three children survive. They are William and Miss Bessie Anderson of this city, and Pate, of Waterloo, IA. Mrs. Anderson also leave two sisters, members of the order of the B.V.M> Sisters of Charity. They are Sisters Mary Eligia and Sister Mary Silviria.
Mrs. Anderson had many good friends who solicitously followed the course of her last illness hoping against hope that she would be spared. She was a woman of large heart and abundant hospitality. She never was happier than when extending this hospitality to her friends and they will retain fond recollections of the sociable, kindly hostess of many pleasant occasions. During her entire life Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Ladies' auxiliary of the Hawkeye Natives society and a charter member of Charity Lodge, Degree of Honor.
Funeral services will be held at St. Patrick's church next Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock, the cortege leaving the home at nine o'clock. Interment will be in Sacred Heart cemetery.