Lester Edwin Anderson
Born: October 30th, 1890
Died: August 22nd, 1917
After an illness of four months, which he bore with marvelous patience, Lester Edward Anderson passed away at the family home at 8:35 o'clock last evening. His death will be the cause of much genuine grief wherever he was known.
Lester Edward Anderson was born in this city October 30, 1890, the son of Captain and Mrs L.N. Anderson. He was educated in the Burlington schools and began his life work with the First National bank here. Later he entered the employ of the Kresge firm and after a year at Cleveland and another at Terra Haute, where hhe made splendid records, he was made manager of the firm's store at Muscatine. He would have gone on to big positions and would have become prominent in the business world, but it was willed otherwise.
Deceased was an earnest, faithful and devoted member of the Episcopal church and of the Order of Elks. He was noted for his kindness, his love of work and application to the tasks that were set him, and in all his acquaintance there will be none who will not regret the passing of this young man, whose future seemed bright. The sympathy of all goes out to the griefstricken parents and his sister, Miss Lucille.
The arrangements for the funeral will be announced later.