Ethel Frances Anderson
Born: September 4th, 1887
Died: June 19th, 1944
Miss Etherl Frances Anderson, 206 S. Garfield avenue, employed as a private secretary at the Chittenden and Eastman company for many years, died at 8:40 p.m. Monday in Burlington hospital after an extended illness. She was admitted to the hospital 7 months ago.
She was born in Burlington Sept. 4, 1887, the daughter of Peter and Caroline Egeline Anderson. She was a member of the First Evangelical and Reformed church, of the women's guild of the hurch, and was a teacher in the Sunday school. Surviving are a cousin, Mrs. R.K. Corlett of Burlington, and an uncle and several cousins in Sweden.
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in Prugh's chapel. Rev. J.H. Buescher will officiate. The office of the Chittenden & Eastman company will close early so that personnel may attend the services. Burial will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.