Claus J. Anderson
Born: September 29th, 1834
Died: July 9th, 1902
Claus Anderson, a well known and highly respected citizen, passed away at 11:45 yesterday forenoon at his home, No 517 South Oak street. He had been suffering from chronic stomach troubles, which baffled the skill of the physicians. During the past three months he had been confined to his bed. He was a native os Sweden and was sixty-eight years of age. He had resided in Burlington twenty-nine years, having come to this city direct from Sweden. During many years he was a faithful employee of the Burlington Lumber company. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Anna Anderson, and the following children; Charles A., Mrs Ida Peterson and Isaac, of this city; August, of Chicago; Gustav and Mrs. J. Pierson, of Minneapolis, and Alfred, of Denver. The arrangements for the funeral will be announced later.