Antone Ludwig Anderson
Born: July 27th, 1870
Died: February 4th, 1904
Antone Ludwig Anderson, who works at the Murray plant out at West Burlington, was struck by a freight-engine and instantly killed at the West Burlington yards, yesterday morning at 6:50 o'clock. The body was removed to Coroner Prugh's morgue. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Anderson was going to his work at the Murray plant as usual, from his boarding house at West Burlington. A freight train had gone up the grade but a short time before, but Anderson did not notice the "helper" locomotive returning down the grade. He stepped onto the track to cross, and before he knew what struck him he had received his death blow. The body was dragged for three hundred feet by the big locomotive, before the machine could be stopped and the remains of the unfortunate man removed from the engine. The body when examined at the morgue disclosed frighful wounds. Both his lefr leg and left arm were literally torn off the body while the head had received several ugly gashes. In fact, his whole body was torn to pieves and it is almost certan that Anderson died immediately.
Anderson was born in Sweden, July 27, 1870. His parents are living in the old country. he was not married and has no relatives in the United States. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.