Andrew Anderson
Born: November 27th, 1880
Died: April 18th, 1915
Andrew Anderson, a Burlington boy, who leaves relatives and many friends here, succumbed to an attack of pnneumonia at the Santa Fe hospital in Ft. Madison Sunday. The remains have been brought to Burlington and will be interred in Aspen Grove, following services to be held at Unterkircher's chapel at 4 o'clock this (Tuesday) afternoon. Friends are invited to the services.
A Fort Madison correspondent says: Andrew Anderson was born in Burlington, November 27, 1880, and received his education in the Burlington schools. After completing his education he secured employment as a brakeman for the C.B.& Q railraod and remained with that road for some time. During this period of employment he gained the approbation of his employers by his steadiness and industry and the warm friendship of all he met by his manliness and sterling character.
Ten years ago he removed to Ft. Madison, where he was employed by the Santa Fe railroad as passenger brakeman. He was a thorough and expert railroad man, and his many Ft. Madison friends will mourn his passing. On January 3, 1906, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage with Miss Flora Pierce of Springfield. MO., in this city. The husband's death has roken a married life of unclouded happiness since that date.
His death is mourned by the widow and three small children, robert Edward and mary, all of Ft, Madison. In A. Anderson, mourns the death of a devoted son, Two brothers, Ralph E of Burlington and Clarence J., of Chicago, also survive the death of thier brother.