Homer H. Ballard
Born: June 6th, 1884
Died: August 25th, 1914
Homer Ballard passed away at 10:40 o’clock yesterday forenoon at the home of his mother No. 115 Marietta Street. While the news was not unexpected, nevertheless the news will be the cause of genuine grief and of deep regret, that a man so valuable, so promising should be called hance when he should be entering upon his period of greatest usefulness, when so much lay before him.
Homer Ballard was born in Des Moines County, near Franklin Mills, June 6, 1884, the son of John and Sabina Ballard od and highly respected residents of the city and county. He attended school here and when he was ten years of age, the family moved to the city. The father passed to his reward some fourteen years ago. Mr. Ballard was married, on March 20, 1908, the Miss Bertha Klingt, and the young couple went to La Plata, Mo., where Mr. Ballard established his headquarters as representative of the Drake Hardware Co., for the surrounding territory. He proved a very faithful and valuable man until sickness compelled his retirement from the service, in which he was winning success. During the past few months, he had been living on the farm of his sister, in the hope of regaining his health. When it became apparent that his condition was growing worse, he was brought home and passed away surrounded by those nearest and dearest to him.
He is mourned by the mother, and widow, a brother, Will Ballard and three sisters, Mrs. Circe Allen, Mrs. Horace Miller, and Mrs. Alma Roberts, and a wide circle of friends.
The funeral will be held from the family home, 115 Marietta Street at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon, with interment in Aspen Grove.