Robert G. Allison
Born: December 8th, 1839
Died: November 30th, 1902
After three weeks of suffering, death came as a sweet relief to Robert G. ALlison, Sunday, Nov. 30, at 4:20 p.m. Mr. Allison was stricken with paralysis, and his death was as result of complications ensuing from that affliction. The deceased was born in the Shetland Islands, Schotland, Dec. 8, 1838, being in his sixty-fourth year. In his younger days he was a sailor and followed that calling until his twenty-eighth year. Then he settled in this country, coming to Burlington in 1866. On December 24, 1868, he was united in marriage to Mary Ann Ledbetter, who still survices him. A a result of this union, there were ten children, two of whom died in infancy, those surviving, four sons and four daughters, being Mrs. W.J. Thul, Mrs. Frank Neff, Mrs. Carl Samuelson, Bessie, William A., Samuel M., Robert J. and Clyde M. Since his residence in Burlingotn, Mr. Allison was employed in different capacities by the C.B.&Q. railroad, and was a valued and respected employee.
He was the last of five brothers, three sisters still living in Scotland. But two of his brothers came to this country. Andrew and William. Andrew was drowned at Lewiston, Il, in 1871, and William was killed by the cars while at his work near Maquon, Il, in 1892. Mr. Allison was a charter member of K. o fP. lodge No. 11, and also a member of the Railway Relief. In his home life he embraced all that constitutes a kind and loving husband and father, and his absence will be keenly felt by his widow and children, who have the sympathy of all who realize their great loss.