Eunice G. Allison
Born: February 14th, 1877
Died: November 27th, 1921
Mrs. Eunice Allison, wife of Samuel M. Allison, died Sunday morning at 2:45 o'clock, in the St. Francis hospital, following a long illness. She was forty-five years old.
Mrs. Allison, born Eunice Gabriel Gallagher, was born in Burlington, February 14, 1876. She married Samuel ALlison, March 17, 1897, and five children wer born. She waws a faithful member of St. PAtricks Catholic church, and was affiliated with the Woodmen, Workman Circle, Pythlan Sisters, Silver Star Circle, Ladies Auxiliary of the Loyal Order of Moose and PRotection Lodge, Degree of Honor.
She had been a sufferer for over a year. She leaves her husband, the five children, Robert, Margaret, Jane, Earl and Eunice; two brothers, Ed. Gallagher, of Portland Maine, and Patrick GAllagher, of Burlington; and two sisters, Mrs. Ellen Shortridge and Miss Margaret Gallagher, both residents of Burlington.
The funeral services will be held this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church.