Charles F. Baldwin
Born: August 24th, 1851
Died: March 12th, 1922
Charles F Baldwin, 72, for 25 an employee of the Raule Jewelry company of Burlington, died Sunday morning at his home, 822 ½ Jefferson street.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elsie E. Baldwin.
Mr. Baldwin was a member of the St. Omer commander No 15, KT Malta Lodge AF & AM He was also a member of the First Baptist Church.
Funeral services, the first service of this kind to be held in the Masonic Temple were conducted there by Dr. WB Hutchinson of the First Baptist Church, yesterday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended. The Knights Templar were in full uniform and acted as escorts.
The Templars who were pallbearers were: WC Kaiser, JW Swiler, Lyman D Guest, HE Baird, and JL Gafford. Albert Sharts sang two solos, “Face to Face” and “Nearer My God to Thee”
Mr. Baldwin was a deacon in the First Baptist Church and in his sermon, Dr. Hutchinson paid high tribute to his useful work and exemplary life. The burial was made in Aspen Grove Cemetery.