Douglas Harold Wells
Born: March 26th, 1839
Died: March 29th, 1922
D.H. Wells, veteran railroad man, passed away this morning at 2:30 o'clock in his home, 129 South Fifth street. He suffered a stoke of paralysis some time ago and this aliment together with a broken hip attributed to his death. Mr. Wells had been a foreman at the West Burlington shops for 40 years. He celebrated the eighty-third anniversary of his birth last Sunday.
Funeral services for D.H. wells, 83, who died yesterday morning at his home, 129 South Fifth street, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Unterkircher undertaking establishment, it was announced yesterday. Mr. Wells was a foreman at the West Burlington shops for many years. He is survived by his widow and two sons, Wilbur of Richmond, Cal., and Frank, and one daughter, Jennie at home.